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Solid recycled and composite decking & accessories
Agricultural Fence Posts (Round)
Garden tables
Planters & raised beds
Transport pallet
Recycled Plastic sheets
Gaffer staples
Knee rail fencing
Picnic furniture
Ronjack Garden Rooms
21.02.2025 Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Poultry Yard
Yard Building for Beginners: Three "Recycled Plastic" Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Poultry Yard
The poultry yard is becoming increasingly popula...
22-01-2025 Synthetic Lumber for the Patio
Lumber for the Patio – The Benefits of Decking Made from Recycled Plastic
Synthetic lumber refers to decking and fencing materials made from recy...
09.12.2024 Does It Make Sense to Replace Wood Fences with recycled plastic?
Even today, many people remain hesitant to use plastic fences. Those who prefer natural materials, in particular, often reject fences made from recycl...
10.05.2024 Beyond Green: LLPlastic's Journey into a Circular Economy
In a world where sustainability is no longer just a buzzword but a guiding principle for businesses, but what does this exactly mean? And how can we t...
22.11.2023 The Psychological Phenomenon of littering
Litter, litter, trash could be the next duck, duck, goose.
I see it before me, little kids praying they will be ‘trash’, chosen to run around t...
22.11.2023 Rejuvenating Scotland & The UK: The Natural World Fund
In a world where conservation and restoration are paramount, LLPlastic has embarked on a mission to support charitable organizations dedicated to pres...
22.11.2023 Revolutionizing Scotlands Oyster Farms: Recycled Plastic Posts to the Rescue
In the picturesque landscapes of Scotland, where the rugged coastline meets the shimmering North Sea, there exists a thriving oyster farm that has wea...
15.08.2023 Recycled Plastic high quality design fences
The Benefits of Recycled Plastic Fences
If you're looking for a high quality, eco-friendly fencing option, then recycled plastic is a great choice....
31.07.2023 Farms and equestrian blog
If you're looking for a high-tech, eco-friendly way to fence in your horse pasture, look no further than recycled plastic. Recycled pla...
27.07.2023 30 years old plastic fence posts
A forward-thinking farmer from Northern Ireland invested his money in recycled plastic posts 30 years ago in the hope that the rotten fence posts...
31.01.2023 How Big a Difference Can Biodegradable Straws Make to the Environment?
Disposable plastics are posing serious problems for our planet. Thanks to famous images of cluttered coastlines and suffering sea life, we’re all no...